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Old 2008-10-28, 02:39   Link #25
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Well, Louise is actually more complex character than many believes her to be. As her character does follow her real life original Louise Francoise de La Baume Le Blanc de La Valliere (1644~1710) who was King's Louis mistress, yet because she had beauty defects she was considered not beautiful and due to that had a rather big complex about her beauty. And had kind of obsession about the king.

Louise follows this pattern and has the same massive complex of inferiority to others (thinks all girls are better than her, has no confidence and thinks the only way Saito can be interested in her only if she would force him to... Saito himself doesnt do much to her confidence (specially anime counterpart) though... Louise like her real life original has an obsession over Saito, and even tried to kill herself once learned that Saito was 'dead'. If Saito would really die there is no doubt that Louise would kill herself...

Thats were the mority of these tsuntsun moments come from. I would not call it her nature, rather an defect which can be treated - since once she started gaining confidence in herself and her looks she became much nicer to Saito... Though still kept part of her infamous temper...

Yet again, this all part of the novels... In anime it is different as those scenes were never included or explained in the anime, making Louise look like the most simplistic and plain tsundere ever...

Taiga, is not that deep in anime as well. Yes she has a solid background in novels but in anime they still have lots of things to do to make her deeper than your usual tsundere (specially because they do tend to skip those little details now and then)...

I dont conisder her behavour that realistic though...Just because she shows her dere side and is drolling doesn't make her realistic. At least I do not think that trying to stab friend's eyes is very realistic just because he looks at the one he loves... Given it is anime only episode and such scene was not part of the original but again so far from what we know from the 8 episodes that we do know at least something 3 look to be fillers... So the danger of 'JC Staff screw up' is still there.
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