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Old 2008-11-01, 15:09   Link #737
Charred Knight
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Originally Posted by rpgman1 View Post
If the series was so successful here in the US, then why air it at the 5a.m. timeslot? The ratings would be incredibly low.
It got low ratings, primarly because they didn't advertise because CN is trying to get rid of anime. Keep in mind that most fansub fans are not watching it, and even if they did that small blip would be peanuts compared to the amount it needed. Just because something is heavily fansubbed doesn't mean its an actual success in America.

One Piece is one of the most scanslated mangas in the US, and its not even in the top 10 getting constantly outsold by Negima which doesn't even get close to the amount of people who read One Piece online.

Compare the huge boost that Naruto got when it first aired, it catapulted from just being in the top 10 to being by far the best selling manga in the US.

Originally Posted by morbosfist View Post
So they can stuff in more of their comedy, some of which inexplicably manage consistently higher ratings than anime ever does.
All of the comedy is getting better ratings, Anime's ratings are incredibly low due to the fact that its just not as popular, and because they don't advertise.
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