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Old 2003-11-21, 12:36   Link #11
Kempis Curious
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Loving a peaceful life in San Clemente, California.
Age: 50
Originally Posted by Tboz
Correct, but I don't recall them mentioning that its... a pair of boxers?

Btw, what does Ughuuu and Auuuu means in Japanese? I don't understand Japanese, buy I don't think I have heard them being used in japanese conversataion. It's madeup by the producers isn't it?

One thing is these expressions make the characters so cute.
I couldn't find anything like the hat on Google... could be that I don't know what to look for.

I'm wondering if the hat was invented for Kanon, and Chiriri's hat is a coincidence. It's such a simple design, though.

As for the "Uguu" stuff, I think I've heard that in an anime before, though I can't remember which.


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