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Old 2008-11-13, 16:07   Link #1176
SS Bombardment Mage
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Midchilda
Age: 38
Originally Posted by DragonBladeX View Post
Well, I can somewhat guess the reason for figma Hayate at least, its just to complete the trio of StrikeS, given they they already released those of Nanoha and Fate.


As for Alter's Hayate, its anyone's guess. But she looks the best though, for displaying wise.
For Figma, why not the trio for A's though? I mean didn't they do some Nanoha stuff in A's? From the moment they met they really became a trio, and then come the end when she fights along with them...

Alter is a bit easier to explain, well for the adult... They are doing a lot of the other chars including Reinforce, Signum, and Vita for the Knights... then a planned Teana, and of course the ever famous Fate and a Nanoha from around A's. But no (young) Hayate from them before.

We will always exist before our Mistress of the Night Sky, Hayate
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