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Old 2008-11-16, 21:01   Link #822
Evil Little Pixie
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: bleeghhh
Age: 36
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I might sound redundant but I'd like to point out that the reason why it's common to find anime/manga characters with certain styles of speech (a girl using "boku", for example) is for the sake of having stronger characterization. I recall my sensei felt unsettled about a female character in a manga using "boku" to refer to herself - she said it felt boyish and most of all, "unnatural" for a girl to use that - almost like the girl using "boku" was no longer a girl. I got the same reactions whenever I accidently switched to male speech and I was somewhere outside of Oita-ken (there, it's common for girls to use certain aspects of male speech patterns and that's where I picked up most of my "male" words). People noticeably felt uneasy and uncomfortable, and would sometimes ask me to repeat myself because they began doubting that I'd actually used typically male words. Even tomboyish girls I knew would never refer to themselves as "boku".

So... I might've answered the question somewhere in there but it would be such an unusual case (at least where I came from) for a girl to use "boku" that it's difficult to say, though I would expect people would be very unsettled about a Japanese girl using it (and would probably laugh at a foreign girl using it).
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