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Old 2008-11-19, 16:15   Link #716
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Age: 39
Originally Posted by C.A. View Post
Do you guys actually see Sheryl as a goddess or something? I know I actually see Haruhi-sama as a goddess figure.
Well, no and yes. This depends on a person and we have plenty of them here. During my time here I saw many different opinions on many different situations or aspects of Frontier. Be it a shipper a fan or anyone else, the discussion always strayed in the direction where the most obvious and reasonable answer was.

It's not that people here are trying to defend anything. It's not like people here worship anyone. It's more of a question of finding the best answer to the topic.

We sure did encounter many unreasonable and mostly funny opinions so we managed to form a firm concept of an opposing type of a person. Mind you, if you'd spout something irrational people will shout back. If your irrational then there is no reason to nod and accept it.

People can get fanatical on anything. I haven't seen any fanatics here. It's a question of opposing party. I'm sure you'll understand it. Some, if not most of us resorted to adding worshippers on our ignore lists.

In short, if you want your voice to be heard just prove your stance. Don't prove it using your minds logics but facts, quotes or anything you find fitting. I'm positive no one here will deprive you off of your will to post

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