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Old 2008-11-19, 22:01   Link #19
Join Date: Jul 2008
Originally Posted by Keiichi_chan View Post
Isn't Maka technically the weakest since she can't properly even pull of Resonance yet?
I mean, we have yet to see Witch Hunting even connect when she does it,right?
Bu--wha? She was the first we saw pull off Resonance, and it was remarked (mutiple times) that they managed it surprisingly young.
Since the first "successful" attempt against Stein (he was, obviously, simply stronger), she's used it against Free (an immortal), Chrona (impervious to cutting attacks), and in another fight that is a spoiler here.

Sorry that this ended up as a rant, but Maka can use Witchhunter just fine, she has pretty much only faced unusually major opponents that most Shibusen students have never had to cross with. Its bad luck (or, in truth, being the main characters), not lack of skill or ability.

Its totally different from Black*Star, who's solo fights have ONLY been against a guy who hasn't been fighting him seriously and doesn't want to kill him either. MAJOR contrast. Maybe it's time to point out that B*S has only won 2 fights in the entire series so far, and both of them were fake fights. B*S has no leg to stand on, he's only all macho facade who hasn't really even brought his hyped-up strength to the table yet. It's a bit funny how he's been more successful as support so far, rather than as the all-powerful attacker he's supposed to be.

I think anyone wanting to understand why there's such a rift between Maka and B*S right now would do well to go back and review the Free and Anniversary battles where B*S was useless but Maka pushed herself way beyond where she had been and gained some achievements. There's understandable angst there.
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