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Old 2008-11-19, 23:52   Link #22
Iron Maw
Join Date: Feb 2006
Originally Posted by FlareKnight View Post
But your right throwing Tsubaki to cut off Free's arm and thus save Maka from falling to her death was totally useless. He should have just sat there . Maka definitely pulled it together and at the end of the day got the job done. But would go a bit far to say both she and Black Star were perfect on that bridge.
I did say "until the end". So I did acknowledged him for his part.

They didn't stop the resurrection, but useless is just taking the bias overboard. Part of the blame is with Maka as it is for letting her personal grudges go over the set up plan. With the ability to attack with his soul waves Black Star likely could have won that fight faster and the three of them could have gone in there to stop Free and Eruka. Besides Black Star got Kid from ripping his head off when his disorder kicked in. Kind of funny how Maka pushing herself beyond her limits is an achievement and yet Black Star pushing his body beyond the limits to try and stop Eruka is being useless.
I never said B*S wasn't ever strong or, useful. My point is B*S isn't perfect either.

Maka has her strengths and works well with them. Maybe pure power (minus the Black Blood mode) isn't quite at the same level as Black Star. But she has good agility and can swing Soul with more than enough force. Some people work well leading a group and some don't. It was the right call at the end of the day.Thought they worked well as a team in that Sid battle. Maka definitely did a better job avoiding hits. Didn't charge in recklessly more than once from what I can remember. Would recommend re-watching the Sid fight though since Black Star did help Maka out a handful of times in the fight. Besides if we're going to fault Black Star for trapping an ally with Sid, have to give Maka a minus for almost killing her ally when messing up the Witch Hunter. The fun irony there is he'll probably be leading all of Shibusen some day when he takes over as Shinigami . Agree he needs to avoid having breakdowns in the middle of a situation before he can be leading. Besides think its the right call for leader of the group.
I actually, credit B*S overall with the Sid fight since he did catch him in the end despite mishaps.

Anyways in the end I'll admit to having my bias. Though trying to see the both sides with Maka and Black Star.
There isn't anything wrong with favoring another character as long as you don't let it cloud your judgement. B*S is probably the strongest overall at this point, but that does not make him infallible nor, the others weak.
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