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Old 2008-11-24, 15:49   Link #608
Join Date: Jul 2008
Originally Posted by NyxOne View Post
Well, you do realize that they're facing capable opponents from the get-go. Not like in the first season where the Gundams were practically invincible up until the desert operation.
They were still invincible in the desert operation. They were taking huge ass cannon hits point blank and all they could complain about is "Ugh, the cockpit is shaking it's making me sick. So tired, too noisy to sleep" And "from the get go" is relative, it's not a whole new series, it starts 25 episodes in since it's the second season. They've enjoyed a majority of the first 25 episodes in god mode. And their opponents have always been capable, it's just that the Gundams are hax and entirely undeserved in my opinion. I spent most of the first season laughing at how unbalanced it was. If the gundam pilots weren't so boring this would probably be my favorite Gundam series.
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