Thread: Dating
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Old 2008-11-27, 15:02   Link #1012
Nani ?
Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: Emerald Forest ( yes its a real place. )
Originally Posted by Ledgem View Post

Many pretty girls do have a brain and are intelligent. The trouble is that when they're very pretty they're treated differently by those around them. In many ways they're indoctrinated into a sub-society where pretty girls are the norm and not one of them is valued for their personality or their intelligence. If they ever accept that sort of scenario and become comfortable with it then they are changed by it and will conform to how those types of girls behave. Those are my observations, anyway. Exceptions exist, but I'd imagine that it's more due to the environment that the girl is in.
I will add something I've learned to this: Intellect doesn't really matter much at all, its how you use your intellect that counts. A person who is a member of mensa and has an IQ over 150 but uses it to try and prove that bigfoot is an multidimensional being by circling out blobs on blurry photographs is no different or more useful then the next wackjob. ( And yes, there really is a mensa member that does that. )

The same thing carries over to the typical above average looking person ( this goes for both male and female ). A gorgeous looking individual has just as much a chance to be a genius as the next person, the problem comes when they start allowing the way the world treats them to get to their head. They start thinking the outside matters more, and thus they start using whats on the inside less. This is the real reason pretty people are stereotyped as being dumber then everyone else - its not so much that they are actually stupid, they just don't use their brains because they don't need to in order to have a place in society. Sad, but that's how it is. In the case that you do meet a person who is both pretty and appears to be smart, most of the time they will also have a very introverted personality to go with it.
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