Thread: Licensed Toradora! Novel Discussion
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Old 2008-12-03, 01:18   Link #247
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Kaisos Erranon, actually it is witty. It's just because you have to be attentive to the language. Well S&W is made for more mature audience. Everyone can enjoy it, but when you look at it the audience is more above their twenties. As it has very little action but a lot is based on dialogs.

And as vexx said - S&W is quite popular in japan. This is not an opinion but proven fact by the rantings and selling rates and the way it has been responded to in forums.

If it would have been a boring show as you put it, it would have never been so popular.

But again this is a Toradora and not S&W discussion. Lets just say that you value bit different things from me or Vexx and thus you could not enjoy, rather than saying it was boring and dull.
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