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Old 2008-12-09, 00:58   Link #2305
Not Enough Sleep
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: R'lyeh
Age: 48
old movie i saw a long time ago, been struck in my head trying to remember.

it was one of those late 70s/early 80s sword and sorcery movies.

after his country was invaded, the prince of the defeated kingdom ad 1 retiner manage to get away. The prince doesn't have a magic sword but does have a magic Bow with some kind of red gem in the middle. The bow never runs out of arrows as a hawk in the sky would drop a feather onto the ground and batch of arrows would appear.

he is also aided by a sorcerous he piss off at the start of the movie and they are looking for a the help of a powerful wizard.

if i remember correctly the villian never talks just chase around the hero and his merry band.

also there is no ending as hero manage to get away form the main villian but the villian is after him.
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