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Old 2008-12-14, 06:58   Link #13
ISML's "liberal staffer"
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: The Republic of Texas
Age: 39

Originally Posted by Ash Falls Town View Post
So these nominations...
Does participation in nominations require you to participate in the main event?
Because as much as I love Sumomo and would feel bad about not supporting her I'd feel worse about being forced to vote for characters from shows I don't watch or girls who aren't the least bit moe.
(Especially since at the moment I have 4 Kanon (02) characters and 1 Clamp in Wonderland 2 character which isn't a very strong ground to begin with.)
You are not required to do anything in nominations. I WILL recommend that if you choose to participate in the first half of nominations, have your favorite character placed on the 10 point line to give her your Maximum allowed support. The second half will allow you to vote for one nominee per group or abstain from nominating in any group (as of this version of the rules current as of this post). Any other concerns may be addressed in the contact page of the website or maybe here and have it possibly responded to by other staff members as replies in this thread as well.
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