Thread: Ethernet Cables
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Old 2008-12-17, 12:48   Link #3
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Typically the problem will be at the connector, either the wires need to be re-stripped for a better conductivity and/or the connector needs to be replaced. Most ethernet cables are rarely moved from the initial setup, so something else is happening if it's getting tangled or bent into weird angles. The wires and shielding are pretty durable and I've seen setups where the cable is exposed to outside weather and temps for over 10+ years (running a cable between houses/buildings like a phone line) without a degradation of signal/conductivity when compared to a new cable.

Just buy new pre-made cables. They are cheap enough. Not worth investing in buying connectors, boots, the crimp tool, or testing equipment unless you do it for a living or need a bunch of custom length cables.
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