Thread: Adopting a pet
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Old 2004-05-21, 16:14   Link #19
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2004
Originally Posted by Wandering_Youth
*clears throat*

It happened around a year ago and I think it was on the month of August that I saw a stray cat give birth to a bunch of fur balls in my backyard on our wooden deck. I was surprised to see that the mother cat has chosen our backyard as the place to give birth to her children. My mom and dad were joking around that good luck might come our way according to their superstitious beliefs. I started feeding the cat family table scraps from dinner and maybe some milk from time to time. As the months past those little fur balls had a growth spurt and in no time have gotten big. It was around the beginning of the New Year that I started to see less of the kittens and their mother and soon all but one of the kittens have left. I kept feeding the single kitten there after and I soon was able to get near it during feeding times. After it felt comfortable of me holding, petting and playing with it I decided to take it in as my pet. I named her Maya
That's a really sweet story I have a few like that...

My first cat was found abandoned as a small kitten underneath a stage while my father was tarring it down... but he died when he was 3 because of those crystal things male cats can get

My second cat (the one I have now) was a captured by a cat society, they also captured his feral mother and other kittens behind a Chinese restaurant, I believe he was at least 5 months old when we got him, and because he was wild, it took a LONG time (years, he's still changing) for him to act 'normal' around us, I think it was weeks before he left his basket to explore the living room.
He still, 7 years later, is scared to death of the noise plastic bags make, garbage trucks, going outside (as in, he'll be so scared he pees) and strangers... or not even strangers, people that have been coming around the house all his life... it's sort of sad, but he really is a sweet cat, just a cat with may issues (I really am not about to list them all, but I guess we knew what we were getting into taking a wild cat).

Also, at my grandmothers, who only lives about 5 minutes away from my house, there was a stray black cat that wouldn't let you get within 10 feet of her, I have this feeling some people abused it, I also wonder where it's owners went, the cat is so affectionate! After about 2 years of feeding it every night I noticed it would follow me around the yard at a distance, I guess it wanted company. So one day I decided to try and pet it (well, I had tried MANY times before) but this time I was able to get about 5 feet away from it, I crouched down and stretched out my hand but she wouldn't come closer, so I lay on my stomach and stretched my hand out and a barley made contact with her, but after she realised I had touched her and didn't hurt her she let me scratch her so I sat in the driveway scratching her as she happily meowed for about 20 minutes, I bet she hadn't been touched by another person in quite some time. Anyway, after that first time it got easier and easier to approach her and over about 5 months of going outside and spending time with her I even got her sitting on my lap and not being scared when I picked her up... so yeah, when it was starting to get cold out this winter we figured we'd moved her in to the bottom part of the house, she was really scared at first being in the house, but there's a dog door that hadn't been used in years by the basement so she can come a go as she pleases through it (though most of the time she just lays around and sleeps on the chairs) and since around October I guess she's slowly become part of the family ^__^

THE END! (at least of my stories with cats)
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