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Old 2008-12-20, 15:37   Link #4
Join Date: Dec 2006

Oi, Director. Come behind the Gym with me! I have business with you.

Still... This was a poor episode. The story didn't freakin' move! Even though it had 20+minutes! Besides a half-pointless scene at the beginning with Komoe talking about the Shreidinger (Sp?)'s cat thing (what is this, Chaos Head?), the rest of the episode is a repeat of Mikoto and Touma arguing at each other (both shouting stupid things) and about three blasts of lightning.
And guess what's worse? Mikoto still isn't convinced and the episode ends with Touma STILL trying to figure out a way to convince her.

And... feh, I had a laugh from the sudden and badly-placed insert song at the beginning...
Let's save that for better scenes. I know Mikoto (loli version too) is cute, but it didn't need a whole insert song.


Why Touma doesn't die from Mikoto's lightning: He's the protagonist
Why the cat didn't die either: It's the protagonist too, right?

Spoiler for ep12:

Summarization of episode in 4 kanji: 厨二全解

Preview: The story finally moves. No better joy than that.

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