Thread: Usagi Drops
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Old 2009-01-05, 08:29   Link #13
Chicken or Beef?
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Seattle
Age: 41
Originally Posted by nadare View Post
She wasn't a prostitute. She was a maid.

And I'm also suspecting that she's really not her grandfathers child. I mean when the way she talks, she doesn't seem to have had bore a child with him.

It was more like when she was the maid she bore a child with another guy and she wanted to abort the child because she doesn't want to have a child. But Grandpa coerced her to bore the child instead. And now since the mother didn't want responsibility to the child, Gandpa raised her instead.
I know she was a caretaker, thats her "official" job. But you know she was getting paid to give the nooky too. Why else would her "appointments" be dead in the middle of the night. And when her friend whoever that guy is asked who she was on the phone with. "It was work, another pedophile" -Rest my case.
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