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Old 2009-01-11, 04:58   Link #91
♪~ Daydreaming ~♪
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Italy
May I bring the attention over our spoiler policy, that we post each time a new episode thread is opened?

Thread Guidelines
  • Spoilers about future events must not be posted in this thread.
    If you need to reference something that would spoil a future event, reply directly with a private message.
Spoiler Policy
  • Any spoiler that reveals future events, even under a spoiler tag, will be deleted.
Discussing, mentioning or even just hinting future events is absolutely forbidden in the anime only threads. It doesn't matter if spoiler tags are used, spoilers are still no tolerated.
I'm posting this because I've seen users who're familiar with the novels posting here contents that, basing on the anime, are not foreseeable as of now. That's the point, if the anime didn't show it yet, then you can't discuss it here. As simple as that.
If someone begs you about what will happen next and which chapter will be covered, then reply in pm and not in this thread.

For spoilers venting or just plain speculation based on future events we have the proper places, and you know what they are:

Toradora Novel Discussion
Toradora! - Spoilers & Speculation (for experienced Toradorians only)
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