Thread: A Laugh A Day
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Old 2009-01-11, 23:24   Link #3435
books-eater youkai
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Betweem wisdom and insanity
Originally Posted by Mystique View Post
Seriously, not sure how you find slititng wrists to be funny, let alone confirm and post the 'right way' to go about it. No form of physical self harm should be taken in jest, (short of using yourself as an example if you must joke about it). But I could have done without knowing that it's not 'horizontlly' but 'vertically' to what? Maximise the amount of veins we can slit open? Gee thanks, I'll be off to buy my razor then.
Do we also get a bonus picture and diagram of how to successfully go about posioning ourselves with carbon monoxide using a car in a garage too?

Of course if people think I need to lighten up and could possibly explain the humour of posting pics with implications, direct and indirect to slitting wrists, I'd love to hear it, really I would, cause last time I checked, the reality is far from funny.
I have to partialy agree with you, dark humor is not really for eveyone, and suicide is not a good subjec for joke.
The joke than started this was more about ''a idiot doing it all wrong''. The fact than the action was trying to kill itself had only a limited impact. But some of the following joke are less tastefull, more enphasing on the act itself.
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