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Old 2009-02-07, 04:44   Link #82
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
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Age: 39
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Originally Posted by Claies View Post
So the first exposure I got was the novel cover on Wikipedia. Yui looks really cute on it. And then I saw the magazine scans of her KyoAni'd. Goddammit. I think I got so used to KyoAni that I'm just sick of their art style.

If, on the lighter side, they put in even a tiny frame of pandering to Kyonko, then I'll go crazy.

P.S. inb4 Haruhi "God Knows" parody. If KyoAni's having fun with themselves, they don't know when to stop.
They kind of only have one character design style which while aesthetically pleasing to a degree (in the moe sense at least) gets old fast. Wide circular face with half moon dot for nose, huge eyes spaced far apart, fill in the rest with colour. There's also just a lot of empty space in the faces as well. I'm pretty sure they only have one character designer.

Originally Posted by ZODDGUTS View Post
I'm gonna get flame for this but whatever I for one don't want this to be like Lucky Star never cared for that series at best it made me chuckle a few times but not really laugh the series was nothing but filled with moe crap and nothing else. Don't get me wrong I can deal with moe crap as long the series is good like Ichigo Mashimaro and Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight! but in Lucky Star it made me want to smash my head agaisn't a wall not literally but you know what I mean.

Anyways I am looking forward to this series just hope it isn't like Lucky Star. Flame away "cast 35% increase flame shield"
If you're looking for not-moe then I think you're kind of looking in the wrong place there.... This is after all the company that even if you held a gun to their board of directors heads and their life depended on not doing it they probably still couldn't come up with a concept that doesn't involve moe as a driving force. Kind of like how you could hold a gun to the Sunrise board of execs heads and put them in the same situation and they probably couldn't come up with a concept that doesn't involve mecha in some capacity. This sort of applies to J.C Staff and Rie Kugimiya tsundere role vehicles as well.

My point is that these companies when they find a working concept (especially if it's something they are good at exploiting) will be damned if they don't try to milk it for all it's worth. It's nothing personal, I'd also bust out the old cliche about the media bosses giving the public what it wants but I'm all tapped now.

Last edited by Kaioshin Sama; 2009-02-07 at 05:02.
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