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Old 2009-02-13, 11:07   Link #870
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Originally Posted by Light_Yamagi_Kira View Post
Alright, my apologizes on the grammar comment, it was not to be abusive towards you; I was just stating it for further reference.

First off your "Morals" statement is begging the question, you say you're not applying morals rather being sincere, because you're guided by morals, well sincere in context means you're being moral. So I ask how can you not apply morality and when you're being sincere (guided by the one thing you're not applying).

I never once said Light had the right to kill anyone. Light obviously did this because he wanted to have a better world; a world free of "sin" and rot. It's a reasonable cause really, sure it's not moral but it did work nonetheless - 70% less crimes would help make me sleep. You bring up a good point that Light may have not helped society in regards to what if someone pulls out a gun, claim. The flaw in that is who would be that stupid? Kira would just kill them for committing murder, right? Kira, would in fact be the "New-God" this would be fact, people would fear Kira and would never try such, because society would assume if they killed someone on the same reason Kira did, Kira would just kill them - you see the circulation I assume.

I'm sorry but I have to disagree that Light acted on his best interest, because I ask you what did Light gain? Really nothing a sense of power? Power he cannot gloat in because he must stay hidden. Light's motive was to clean society and rid the criminals from it - of course he had to kill some innocent people that became burden. It's not right, but that's not the argument at hand.

Now, for your whole Bible-God comment, this is all questionable assumption, as I stated above, I only used the Bible to prove it's contradictory, much like you have just shown - how can a God be a compassion and forgiveness if he(God) is willing to kill people who commit sin such as homosexuality and many others to name. Murder is wrong UNLESS I say so... huh...

Alright, that is a fair opinion, all I ask is for you to actual cite some. I will warn you right now though - if you do not have a solid foundation for this claim I will accuse you of a false cause. You have to show me that a majority - rather than a minority because if not then it's against the odds and will not stand in your argument

Well God is also capable of that but He gives them a chance to change. Being sincere doesn't mean you always base your actions on your morals. You're just sincere because that's how you really feel. The thing is Kira isn't God. He just happened to find a notebook which would be the key in determining the fate of millions of people. Murder will always be wrong. There just so happens to be certain levels of culpability. Light gained as I mentioned earlier the power over people's lives. Compare that to gaining anything else in the world. Honestly speaking, if you had power like that, of course you wouldn't just blurt it out to other people. Killing innocent people is already wrong. Thank you for saying it yourself. Do I really have to cite people? I mean of course there are people who have changed for the better. And you're also forgiven about the grammar thing. No biggie. Haha
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