Thread: Manga VS Anime!
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Old 2004-05-31, 21:48   Link #59
Join Date: May 2004
Originally Posted by KristopherZ
I definintely prefer manga over anime. It's benefits outweigh the things wrong with this form of storytelling. The first benefit is obviously price, most of the time a 200 page manga which consists of 7-12 volumes has more content. The reason is the format that makes it.

Usually there are two forms of manga, one that is published in a Monthy format which normally has 30 pages. The other is the weekly format, which is normally told in 20 pages. While the page number really doesn't do anything except gauge the stress level of the story writer. But essentially they both have to do the same thing, which is to capture the attention of the audience. It normally starts with explaining the previous event that occured, fleshing out the story, and ending the chapter with a cliffhanger. The story "arcs" are developed when a single story with the same goal is spread over mulitple pages. It can be from 3 chapters to 200 chapters.

Manga also has many other advantages like it's portability that allows you to carry it anywhere. It has single frames which allow for more emotional drawings to have more impact on the viewer. Manga also can cram more information onto it's pages, a character can think at the same time while engaging another character in dialogue. Something that hasn't been done that well in anime. While it has other advantages like the main one. Unlike anime it requires some form of imagination to create the character's voice, to stimulate the characters movement, and of course to gauge the relationship of the character to the environment that surrounds them.

Also it doesn't seem to carry the same aura that anime does and less people look down on manga rather than anime. The same thing in Japan.

It is a common misconception that all the Japanese people like anime. It is a wrong misconception. Anime is also seen in Japan like it is in america, for the younger kids and for nerds. Manga does not carry the same burden in Japan. People see manga as a true legitimate way to tell a story. There are 40 year old men that read a copy of shounen jump while going to work. The stigma is also taken away because manga is used as employees manuals and how to do stuff in Japan.
mmm~ true true....i have seen some of those manuals my japanese friend keeps for no reason, and they are pretty interesting to look at,lol. and its also true and interesting that you see people of all ages reading manga(in japan that is, or some other asian countries?IE: taiwan,korea), but you just dont see the people from the same age groups watching anime....
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