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Old 2009-02-18, 23:48   Link #124
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2004
Originally Posted by Momosan
If this is the case then why would she be cancelling practices instead of trying to get her squad up to par? Well, up to par is a bad choice of words since apparently every other squad is just as worthless.
Maybe because she felt they didn't because the squad already had Fon-fon? Yea what she did is childish and lamenting the facts that the training would mean nothing with Fon-fon around and the other squads bitching on how hers too dependant on Fon-fon.

But this is a good chance for her to improve and grow as a character. Fon-fon will be the reason for her to improve and honed her own skills and team. He's basically a finishing point that the Nina and the squad would strive (albeit almost impossible right now) to reach in order to get stronger.
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