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Old 2009-03-12, 00:03   Link #258
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Dying to get back to Japan (but currently near Chicago)
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Justin Kim View Post
Useless language, what the heck?! That's pretty insulting. As far as I know, Chinese is the hardest language in comparison to other Asian languages that has many pictographic characters. I would very much like to see you try and learn Chinese characters and pinyin at the same time as well as all the proper usage of accent marks in the pinyin. Not only that, but the difference between Canto, and Mandarin. Traditional and Simplified. There is no such thing as a useless language in the world.
He was actually talking about Japanese being useless compared to Chinese. But I don't see how Japanese could be useless to anyone here on this forum board. Learning Japanese would allow you to enjoy an infinite amount more of the stuff you already enjoy. And also enjoy what you currently enjoy even more.
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