Thread: Licensed Maria†holic
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Old 2009-03-15, 12:26   Link #1059
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Molenir View Post
I'm certainly not one to argue over a dead horse.
Now you say so, after it's already been discussed how many times?

Anyway, it's just easier to not talk about the fansubs at all, because then it's not like "how close to the line can I get without crossing it". However you feel about the policy and its provisions, it was set by the man who had the actual legal notice arrive on his real-life doorstep. The policy has been relaxed a little bit in recent years; there actually is no specific rule about not mentioning fansub groups anymore -- there used to be -- but you still can't link to sites where torrent links for the show can be found. (That was the case here, by the way -- it wasn't just a group name, it was a link to the group site where the torrent links are.) In any event, it's better not to tempt fate. If people want to discuss this further, we can do it elsewhere.
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