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Old 2009-03-16, 20:23   Link #459
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: PA
Originally Posted by Apollian View Post
Termari and Anko are both hot as heck!
…….Um, thanks for letting us know this very important information. Now I’ll just let you know that the fad already died, you can continue your work in the regular <lust over 15 year old girls> threads now(there should still be plenty around); we’re actually back on topic in this one…

Originally Posted by Fukitsu Naruto View Post
And like all human beings, there are going to be times where he will feel lost and unable to find an answer for his questions. This chapter proved that. Although his combat prowess has increased at an amazing rate he is still a 15-year old kid. This means that he can be affected by the various attrocities that exist in the world. Look at his reaction to Pain's story and questions, he is clearly not ready to be thinking about the world's troubles, much less how to solve them.

-This is why I said that Naruto needs a guiding hand now. He has learned that, although Pain had killed those close to him, he is really acting out the nature of the world that brought him up. Pain himself has admitted that the kind of punishment he brought down upon Konoha is the same as the one Naruto is trying to bring down upon him. Naruto at the moment is the he same as Shinji Ikari from Evangelion during the last 2 episodes of the series. He doesn't know what is the correct answer to Pain's question and it clearly is a difficult answer to find. After all, how would a 15-year old know how to expel hatered, sorrow and war from the world? This is why he needs guidence and if the series holds true to its initial themes, it will be his friends that allow him to reach that answer.

Being a Master doesn’t mean you have all the answers, even Masters are still learning. I don’t see why he’s “not ready” to start thinking about what Pein was saying to him, I think its actually the perfect time for him to begin, because he basically accomplished pretty much everything else: hes become super powerful, hes finally contributed to the ninja world and made his own technique, etc.

You’re talking about how he doesn’t have the correct answer for Pein’s question, but even Jiraiya didn’t( and I don’t know who really would have one…). This is where naruto should become his own master and continue Jiraiyas work and hopefully finish it. He doesn’t really need a “guiding figure” like you say, he just needs to do his own research and be his own man now. Kinda like when a PHD student does their own research, and writes a dissertation.

And, I don’t think he’s at a disadvantage just because hes 15, you’d be surprised what young children can do especially if they’re not focused on bullshit like games and other distractions. Plus naruto is definitely not any ordinary kid. I mean look at Itachi...

Originally Posted by Phenomenal View Post
I agree but Naruto is gonna have to start making his own decisions very quickly because Pain just mind raped him with all the talk about Peace and Naruto seems to be in need of another mentor. But I do beleive this talk he will have with the Fourth should help him with that and start him off on his own path.

BTW, did I mention? In Japan, Pain is the man, you clowns need to give him a hand!

I don’t think he got mind raped, he just didn’t know the answer that’s all. Its not like Pein manipulated him into doing something he didn’t want to do. Its great that he was stumped on that question, at that point. Hes sees how important it is first hand.

Last edited by SpyderSidiouss; 2009-03-16 at 21:29.
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