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Old 2009-03-19, 14:38   Link #194
Aquaman OS
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2008
So am I the only who found Rem's actions in this ep totally idiotic?

By taking out L and herself (which she knew would happen) all she managed to do was take out anybody capable of stopping Light setting up Misa's eventual death by Light's hand the instant she was no longer useful. It's been said by the creators that Light would never love her and in fact was such a stuck up asshole that he wasn't capable of loving anybody ever because that would be admitting that someone was near his equal.

The smarter thing to do would have been to cut a deal with L involving the pardoning of Light and Misa in exchange for information that destroying the Death Notes would get rid of Kira's power and memories of ever being Kira. With the threat of killing L should he ever break the deal and arrest Light or Misa.

In that way Misa could get her happiness with Light who might actually grow to love her without the DN induced psychotic God complex or at the very least not be able to kill her whenever it suited him.
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