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Old 2009-03-27, 16:57   Link #380
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Location: Detroit, MI
Originally Posted by Reckoner View Post
I don't remember complaining about Ryuji's angst, I only complained about Yasako. No, a rewatch is not in order. This was horribly foreshadowed.

I did not misunderstand Ryuji's dilemma with his mother. Like I said, he quickly recovered from his psychological dilemma with relatively no explanation other than the fact that he has seen his mother tried hard for his sake, and that this is what she wants. This does not clear up the issue though. I do not see how he could of recovered from his thoughts of being a burden. He still has to decide if he wants to work to help his mother, or fulfill his mother's wishes of chasing greater goals in college. He feels he'll be a burden if he does not try to bring in pay.

And side characters or not, you do not introduce stories if you do plan to conclude them. Bad storytelling.
Just for the record, Ryuji's psychological dilemma = angst. As far as the foreshadowing, plenty of us thought it was fine so I'm not sure what to tell you there.

It still seems like you didn't quite get the conflict between Ryuji and Yasako. It seems like you picked a few phrases said by Ryuji in one episode and ignored, missed, or failed to connect the dots on the rest of the info that was presented. I don't really feel like re-hashing everything that went down, there was a lot of information given in little bits over a bunch of different episodes. The short version is that they both did things that the other didn't want them to do because they were trying to help each other and it ended up blowing up in their faces.

I'm not really sure what your beef with the supporting cast is, how much more closure were you looking for ? They got the standard treatment that most other side characters get, a brief explanation, a parting shot, etc.
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