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Old 2009-03-29, 09:57   Link #1959
The King of the Insane
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Right next door to you..
The reason for shooting it down isn't because we don't want them to demonstrate strength, it is fairly obvious the only target they can hit accurately at this time is South Korea and this won't ever change with Seoul being... placed as such. We are more likely to shoot it down so that the North won't be able to tell how well their missile worked. Right now it is essentially test material. Most all test material is crap before it is tested and refined. If we take away their ability to test it by shooting it down they will get mad because it gets rid of a missile that was expensive (by their terms) to produce and was a great test source. We become happy because it likely means that they will not be able to develop a good rocket that can hit much of anything. The question is the North's following actions. Will they be violent or peaceful. The rocket isn't a big deal, the reaction to a simple rocket existing (or being shot down) is the big deal. It's like Sputnik sorta.
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