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Old 2009-04-01, 21:04   Link #417
Chaos Zangetsu
Demon King
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: In between universes
I would say I'd believe in the SS King Theory. Kubo's just been like that with Ichigo the whole plot, by showing that Ichigo's not ordinarry and that fact that he has been rapidly gaining in ability and power the whole series. Isshin is not only unknown to Soul Society as a missing person, but Isshin must've either apart of SS and left before Rukia became a shinigami over a hundred ago or ruled them. I'd say the latter, because since Renji and Byakua found Rukia in the gigai she had that gave off no reiatsu, why didn't they find Isshin, especially since Isshin would've been gone at least since around the time that Urahara became a captain and thus had barely begun the DRT in his captain's quarters. A unknown king would never show up on records, so they would never go to find him in the first place.

The only thing bothering me is if Ishhin is the King of Soul Society and Ichigo is the prince, why aren't they in the King's dimension, where the King's Key is supposedly supposed to lead to, unless it just leads to the human world where Isshin lives, which is unlikely. If he is the unknown king, maybe there was a coup de ta and Isshin was thrown out of power, which explains for the second Bleach movie where the Royal Family was suppoedly in the carriage when it got attacked, but I forget what happened but Ichigo eventually got them off).
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