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Old 2009-04-09, 01:34   Link #2193
Join Date: May 2006
Age: 39
Originally Posted by LeoXiao View Post
Back in the day, when Muslims controlled all of the Middle East and North Africa, their empire was known for being very civilized for the time, and it tolerated Christians and Jews.

People give America too much credit for being way more awesome than anyone else. We're not saints, we're just a nation of immigrants who happened to move to an entire unused continent with tons of good land, resources, and oceans all around to protect it.
They were tolerated because they paid jizya. In return getting right of religious practice and protection. It was a tax on non-muslims and was probably higher than Zakat. Not a bad system, but it all falls apart when people see other cultures where this cultural freedom is free of taxation. Hence, a conflict of ideologies and the start of strife.

Its funny how a news report on the corrupt UNHRC and their war on opposing ideologies turned into a blame the western world session in order to excuse the thought process behind the UNHRC's thinking. Simply put, the western world's actions raised enough bad feelings that people took vindictive action and consistently put a certain religion/political ideology in a bad light. True, but the blame also falls on said people who have voted for those who practice political style islam, support such vindictive reaction and who refuse to evolve what essentially in some applications is a ultra- socially conservative political ideology. Those who are trying to focus on the western worlds actions are grossly missing the point. This religious/political ideology needs change. It takes an outsider; an opposing ideology to point that out, but an insider to actually force the change. Apparently the leaders of the countries in the UNHRC are not interested. Who can blame them? They have the "western mingling" card so its all good.
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