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Old 2004-06-11, 12:52   Link #20
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Looks like part of my prediction in the 218 discussion was right. Naruto got knocked off the waterfall. It didn't play out as I thought it would. I now wonder if Naruto will be able to climb back up to continue the fight or is that it? From the last panel on the last page it seemed that Sasuke was leaving the area.

To talk about the chapter a little, Sasuke was able to get in three really good hits on Naruto. Naruto was only able to get in one, but that one was pretty impressive. Wonder what he called that one, Kage Bunshin Whip Kick? I am kind of puzzled why Sasuke was remembering Itachi giving him a piggy back ride. Since he was turning to leave and go to Sound; maybe it is to show leaving his good memories in Leaf while brining just the hate with him to the Sound. Of course I can't read kanji, so I can't read what is written on the last page, so the last part is just a guess based on the pictures.
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