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Old 2009-04-12, 09:25   Link #1223
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: カンナギタウン
Age: 31
Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon View Post
...See, what you just did was condense my entire reasoning for disliking UBW fanboys into one, concise post.
How am I a fanboy? Is it because I liked this ending and didn't want to have it spoiled by another? To be honest I find the entire storyline pretty damn boring and I skipped most of it in UBW. I like this route for two reasons:
  • Good End.
  • A non-depressing Saber.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I think it's good to not pretend that things don't exist because you personally don't like them. I also think it's good to finish what you start.
First, it's just a game. Second, I went through both routes from start to end. The HF portion of the story doesn't interest me as much, so why go through it? Besides, I find that reason irrelevant. Although each route follows the original storyline they are all greatly altered, so in a sense it makes each route feel like a story of its own.
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