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Old 2009-04-13, 14:41   Link #9
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: フェイトの中
I'll just leave this here....
← Toyosaki is like 169cm in case anyone is wondering how tall she is compared to everyone else since she does seem rather tall.

Kotobuki is definitely my favourite voice of the four and she's so young. I hope to hear more things from her in the future.
Originally Posted by Pachael View Post
That's the starting point, though I'd debate that the ED is played by the seiyuus (if it were, then that's amazing.)
Kotobuki Minako can play the piano a bit and Sato Satomi can play the guitar, but that was pretty much it before they were chosen to be the seiyuu for K-On! from what I've heard. So yes, in the beginning they didn't really know how to play. I think it was for kicks in the second episode of らじおん! that they tried to play, first deciding who plays what with jan-ken-pon before deciding to play their respective characters instruments and it was.... terrible.

And now.... - 6:10 ~ 6:30-ish and you get to hear them actually playing. It's actually pretty decent. I don't know why the actual site loads slowly for me compared to nico. Not like it really matters when I actually get irritated at hearing them giggle half the time and talk about.... sweets and such.

But erm, the ED isn't that hard going by the guitar and bass parts. If Hikasa Yoko played the bass for the OP, I'd be a little more impressed.

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