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Old 2009-05-01, 15:08   Link #72
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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Hmmmm.....reflecting back on last nights episode, Sawako was definitely the biggest and most intriguing personality so far in the show (mostly owing to everyone else being kind of blah), but her impact was kind of dulled by the fact that I have already seen this character done in a much more consistently amusing fashion in a much more conistently funny music group based anime not to long ago. I'm now left to think of the possibilities had I seen K-On before I saw DMC or had I not seen DMC at all! Whatever the case she's still no GTO or even post time skip Yoko from TTGL.

Not getting ahead of myself , I will say that I have no expectations for the concert next episode, but I do have some theories. Realistically speaking they should just squeak through and have a lot of fun while doing it, but fail to win any prizes or lasting admiration until the next time they play, because after all they are still new. That would leave the lesson that even with how much they've improved they still have much improvement to go through as a group.

This being K-ON and Kyoani it seems like they would go for some over the top uber-play sequence of them being rock gods to up the popularity of the show, (And with reference to that Linda Linda Linda film they like referencing so much) because it seems like what the majority wants is something akin to "God Knows", right here and right now. Of course that would send the wrong message to otaku subgroups who picked up guitar just because of this show that learning to play it and forming a strong band is easy and discourage them from trying to improve further when they realize through real life experience that it isn't. And of course at that point to what would be the point of having 6 more episodes if they've already proven themselves. Unless of course the Budokan is not the final goal and they go on to tour the country or prefecture or something.

Okay I actually AM starting to get ahead of myself with the theory so I definitely want to stop now. It's best to wait and see what actually happens next episode and then I can come back to this.

Anyway, for the record I don't think one single character moment in any anime that is just played for "rule of cool" purposes can make a character some universal character of the year in my eyes. Then again I don't believe one single event in an episode that is kind of good can elevate such an episode to perfect 10 status if everything else is just average, but hey, whoever said that everyone uses the same score card.

Whatever the case I am curious to see where this show goes now, if for totally different reasons then most people.

Lastly, agreed with the poster above on Mio. They're obviously still working her moe angle, but at least this time it wasn't over done, it just felt kind of natural again like it did before she become crazy popular with otaku. Of course that might have been because the focus with on Sawako overshadowing every other personality in the show. It really makes me wonder if they are going to be competing against each other for screen time now.
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