Thread: Ghost Stories
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Old 2003-11-25, 04:42   Link #16
Weapon of Mass Discussion
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York, USA
Wow. PiGGiEE, it sounds to me like you have some extraudinarily uncomfortable business left over from a previous life. I wonder what was so terrible that someone or something's spirit followed you to this life. It is fortunate that your previous mother's spirit also followed you to protect you from it.

My own ghostly encounters are much more mundane by comparison. I've never actually seen a ghost, but we do have one in our house. Some experimentation with a Ouija board told us that his name is Christopher. We understand that a couple that owned our house back in the 50s had a child named Christopher that died here. I understand that he fell down the stairs, but that might just be a rumor since noone really remembers how he died.

He sometimes moves objects in the house. Usually nothing important, though a few times he has actually tossed something off of a shelf. Once he turned a valve that let the water out of the water tank in the basement. When my father went into the basement it was pouring out of the tank, but there was only a few gallons on the ground so we know that Chris must've just opened it as my dad was coming down the stairs. That was the worst thing that Chris ever did. Mostly he's just mischievous.

A few times he has done good things. Once when my sister was looking for her glasses he threw an item off a table. She'd accidently left her glasses there.

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.
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