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Old 2009-05-27, 08:57   Link #13
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Okay I am ashamed I have not written anything in this thread yet because Ed is probably my favorite character. I say probably because although Ed was the first character I really fell in love with in the series I've come to really adore every character in the manga in some ways.

So anyways the following is for manga!Ed. I did like anime!Ed for the most part too (except maybe they made him a bit too angsty) but manga!Ed is who I really love. So this is what this post refers to

Anyways when it comes to teenage protagonists I do feel Ed is one of the best. Oddly enough I've seen some people complain that for a main character Ed doesn't do enough. But that is one thing I love about Arakawa's writing. That while Ed is central to the story, everything doesn't revolve around him necessarily. Ed as the main protagonist does tend to be in the right more often than not but he definitely isn't the character that swoops in and saves the day or solves everything. I guess part of the reason why I love Ed is because he is an awesome character but Arakawa makes sure that he doesn't outshine the other characters.

I also like that he is mature for his age (because of what he has been through) but still a child in many respects. He can be naive/idealistic and he can be immature when it comes to certain things (his height, girls: one in particular).

Another thing that is of course interesting is the dynamic between Ed & Al. Ed is the older brother but Al has to often look after Ed because Ed can be reckless at times. Ed is very smart but he can rush into things. Although in other more subtle ways you can still see that Ed is the older brother because he does emotionally support Al in a way (although Al is an emotionally strong character in his own right and part of Ed's growth is realizing this). I guess the thing I love most about Ed & Al's relationship (and a big difference from the anime) is how these two characters equally support each other.

So yeah I could probably say a lot more but I wanted to make this as general as possible without going into spoilers.

edit: Although I will say my favorite joke concerning Ed is not his height issue but his art skills, especially the way he makes things out of alchemy. Ed thinks his style is very cool but it's not necessarily the case for other people.
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