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Old 2009-05-28, 16:07   Link #27
I like pie.
Join Date: Nov 2004
Yeah, Nami went from indifferent sibling to psychotic pretty quickly. She wasn't ever really on anyone's side, except her own. When Nerval offered her power, she was cool with it, because all she really wanted to do was kick people around, and blow stuff up. I'm not really sure what her specific damage was, but... *shrug*

Maybe we'll see the potato again... if *someone* remembered to back her up properly... but the someone in question has all of the attention span of road gravel. She's cute, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I don't get how she's supposed to save the universe. Seriously.

I'm just watching to see how out there the ending winds up, and what random objects get pulled out of random orifices to create random plot twists.

I prefer my plots to be more straightforward, to be honest, which is why this series is so disappointing. The third group of people coming out of thin air just really was the last straw.

I really enjoyed it at first, too, but nobody ever really developed as a character, save for maybe Itsuki. Everyone else just sort of remained a hollow stereotype, which is too bad.
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