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Old 2009-06-11, 13:50   Link #88
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Dying to get back to Japan (but currently near Chicago)
Age: 36
SnS isn't a fanservice series, but in no way does it lack its moments (like I mentioned). I was really thinking of ZnT, since it came up, but didn't feel like putting it in there. My comments weren't directed at the DVD sales of only the SnS series. Quality is totally subjective, and I don’t remember saying that it wasn't. And fanservice, as I believe you know, isn't only echhi-ness and panty-shots (which SnS has as well though).

I was saying that sales don't necessarily correlate to fans’ take on a series' quality. I think "quality" and "fanservice" are two separate and major forces behind purchases. Both, of course, are subjective (the second less so). Not that they can’t both weigh into a purchase, and not that there is a right and wrong/good and bad to it.

There were several comments saying that because the DVDs sold well (for any series really), that's a reflection of how well the fans in Japan thought the quality of the series was. All I was saying, was that's not necessarily the case. There could be countless reasons behind why someone would purchase the DVDs for a series that have nothing to do how well they thought it was done.

You seem to be criticizing me for things I didn't say relentless.
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