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Old 2009-06-13, 15:00   Link #14
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: U.S.A.
Age: 36
Originally Posted by ginran View Post
which btw, its kinda sad that SuzaEuphie is canon and yet there isnt much to talk about when it comes to them. I do wonder why they never kissed though...not that its entirely necessary, but it wouldve been cute. Still love the pairing! <3
Yeah, it is kind of sad that they aren't talked abou as much, especially since they make such a cute couple. Unfortunately I think the discussion value of their relationship kind of falls apart for a few reasons.

1. Their relationship ended pretty early since Euphie, you know, died. Sad yes

2. The significance of their characters. Euphie wasn't exactly a main character so there's as much to discuss about her and, well, lets face it, on the whole, people don't like Suzaku as much as they like Lelouch.

3. They're a canon couple, which actually works for and against them. There are no major overlying love triangles or anything when it comes to SuzaEuphie, whereas with Lelouch you've 2 (maybe 3, depending on who you ask) potential prospects for him, which leads to him getting much of the discussion.

It is kind of disappointing though, especially they were a really cute couple, and it's just so sad that they couldn't be together. And yeah, a kiss would've been nice.

Oh, and yvj, I think you summed it up pretty much perfectly. Seriously, all that Lelouch is missing is a black leather jacket and a chopper, then he'd be set

Anyway, I'm still planning on doing my big surprise, but if anyone has any pent up manifestos or big ideas that they want to share then they can do those first.
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