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Old 2009-06-28, 22:09   Link #2607
Join Date: Aug 2008
Honestly, when I first read this chapter and saw Sakura's reaction I thought "Ok she definitely still likes him (sasuke)"

But now that I think about it more I can also see them as tears of confusion. If you think about it, no one has really ever asked Sakura, at least for a long time, what Sasuke means to her (even though that seems to be the wrong translation according to a previous post). Whenever you see her thinking about sasuke / bringing him back, its just Naruto there with her who is obviously going to encourage her to do so because he made a promise and wants sasuke back. But no one, until now, has questioned her motives. And I think theres a possibility that she doesn't even know herself. If you believe that she's not still in love with sasuke, then why would she want to bring him back? I guess because she told naruto she would help him bring sasuke back, but other than that there's no real reason. Ahhh fuck it maybe I'm wrong i don't know.

Anyway I'm just throwing it out there that maybe she doesn't really even know why she wants sasuke back, she's just kind of been going along with the flow (the flow being Naruto's undying determination to bring him back)
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