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Old 2009-07-01, 10:52   Link #46
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Originally Posted by dnab View Post
While Haruhi fans are resigned to face any and all possibilities thrown at them by the (publish/animat/auth)or these days, wrapping the story up by the vol.10 would render the entire series abso-f-ing-lutely [American], devastatingly [Brits], bloody [Aussies], chotto [Humanoid Interface] unreadable. Given the amount of mysteries, loose ends, and unexplained that Tanigawa painstakingly developed, to end all that in one volume he'll either have to spill everything like a text book, or leave some things unexplained, neither is consistent with his writing style.
Leaving entire aspects of the plot unexplained has been done before. Take Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou for example. After 14 volumes across 12 years, the manga never explains:
-Why humanity is dying out
-The nature of the disaster that reshaped Mt. Fuji & caused a sea level rise
-Who the owner of the main robotic female main character is.

Do we really have to know what happened to those 8 other people who saw the SOS Brigade emblem which infected the Computer President (5 of them being North High students)?

Do we really have to know where in the worlds of Haruhi we can find her playing piano as seen in the OP?

Is the discrepancy between Asahina Mikuru's explanation of a space-time as a series of disconnected frames and Kyon's observation of some continuity due to the events of Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody... is that discrepancy really important?

Is the fact that... *goes to sleep*

(9 hours later)

*wakes up* What? Oh, yeah. Anyway, I'm perfectly fine with having mysteries unsolved. It makes for easier fan fiction and doesn't rip the wings off the butterfly, to put it that way.

I myself would get hopelessly bogged down by all these loose ends. I imagine Tanigawa is itching to cut these loose plot threads off
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