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Old 2009-07-05, 04:06   Link #2642
At the end of this world
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Hungary, Europe
Age: 39
I see, so it's like an improved version of the same/similar story with advanced battle system and more characters. Sounds interesting enough. I definitely take a looksie how does it seems like.
I'm not entirely sure about MG releasing it in the end, as they didn't mention it at their announcement. Oh well...
At least they mentioned buying fantranslations if the circumstances are so, which means they are sensible enough to cooperate I hope. However they didn't answer to the Sonozaki Twins' email-inquiry yet, so I don't know what's going to happen in the end. We'll see.

Last edited by izmosmolnar; 2009-07-05 at 04:19.
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