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Old 2004-06-29, 03:56   Link #1
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hull, East Yorkshire, England
Age: 40
To fill the gap that is Midori and Konomini

Well, after these great series (imo, before i get lynched ) have come to a conclusion, its left rather a great gap in my anime download and watch schedule. Id like some suggestions, and im pretty open to almost any type of anime... as long as it is good ^^

These are the series ive watched or are watching

Midori No Hibi
Scrapped Princess
Tenjou Tenge
Samurai Champloo
Peace Maker Kurogane
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien
Chrno Crusade
Full Metal Alchemist

and there are probably more, but i cant remember.

Anyhow... suggest away!
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