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Old 2009-07-09, 13:29   Link #211
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Sweden
Originally Posted by Mistypearl View Post
I forgot to mention this earlier, but with people talking about SHAFT and how it's typical or not, I have to say that I'm especially intrigued by the emphasis and detailing of everyone's eyes, wether close ups (there are ALOT) or just them talking, they have a certain glow, and it can be enchanting, and though I might of seen it once or twice before in another SHAFT show, it's extremely prominent in just this one episode, I know nothing about Bakemonogatari other than this one episode, but is there a reason for this, or just creative liscense?
Creative license, mainly. The novel is just filled to the brim with dialogue, dialogue, dialogue. Literally dozens of pages where the characters sit somewhere and talk to each other, in verbal warfare. To keep this interesting as an anime, the studio probably decided it'd be nice to change angles and have him play with his pen, etc, etc. I think it works pretty well.
__________________ my humble opinion.
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