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Old 2009-07-14, 00:51   Link #3313
Aria Company
Join Date: Nov 2003
Originally Posted by Shadow Kira01 View Post
Considering that the information regarding the North Korean leader's lifespan isn't precisely accurate, it is best to ignore it as that it may turn out to be one of their tactics of diversion. It is possible for North Korea to be spreading false information to test the waters on the issue of selecting a successor, as well as how they will be dealing with future issues over their nuclear and missile aggression.
I saw a recent video of Kim Jong Il the other day. He was having trouble walking, looked very thin, and one side of his face was drooping. His appereance was consistant with someone who recently had a stroke and has something else wrong with him. My first thought on seeing it was, "yup that guy had a stroke." My second thought was, "looks like something else is wrong too, or he's really starting to show his age." Then I see this report about cancer. I'd certainly believe it.
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