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Old 2009-07-14, 06:16   Link #36
Is Your Daddy & Its True
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Location: In the Sky with the Birds
Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
erested in learning about Rouge. So we now have our first female D, eh? And she somehow gave birth to Ace 2 years after Roger's death? Geez, no wonder she died as soon as he was born. So I guess this means that Dadan was that friend of Garp's who took care of Luffy and Ace after all (and MIGHT be Luffy's mother, but I dunno)..
I doubt it
Spoiler for One Piece 432:

He said that he left them with a guy that trained them...
So we can assume that it was a guy who taught them how to fight..

Originally Posted by marvelB View Post
Well, as I said in the previous page, the impression I had is that Ace didn't know that Roger was his dad because Garp withheld that information from him, and led him to believe that Dragon was his dad instead. Besides, it doesn't really make much sense for Ace to call a father who was dead long before he was born "useless".....
Because he was dead, that would make him useless...
Ace also might not know all the details about Roger too...
But all and all you got a good point...
We'll just haft to wait and see his reaction to learning the info...
What I want to know is how the hell did Sengoku know if the information was suppose to be secret..

Originally Posted by james0246 View Post
Honestly, I am more interested in what Buggy (and other former crew members (Shanks and Rayleigh)) will think after finding out that Ace is his former commander's son. They had a friendly connection before, but after this revelation, I can't help but think that Buggy will feel even more involved with the upcoming war.

Additionally, wouldn't it be pretty cool if Buggy, Shanks and Rayleigh all fought together in the upcoming war? Even if this doesn't happen (which, honestly, the scenario seems very unlikely), Buggy being the only pirate with a direct connection to Roger attempting to save Ace will greatly add to his bounty.
That's what I was saying in my other post....
I think Shanks and Rayleigh knew...
Buggy left the ship after he ate the Devil Fruit I believe (as I recall in the anime)...
I think that's why Shanks went to Whitebeard about Ace...
I'm really hoping Shanks and Rayleigh show up now
When I first thought about it... I thought no way because of the Power imbalance...
But Marineford has highly skilled fighters so I think even if Whitebeard, Shanks, Rayleigh do pop up...
The battle can still go either way

Originally Posted by Photonbeam View Post
So Portgas D. Rouge was Garp's daughter?
I doubt it...
For one if that was Garp's daughter I would expect her name to be Monkey D. Rouge and Portgas. Plus the age, I would all of the people from that era to be around the same age...

Originally Posted by game2007 View Post
It is confirmed and there are pics already. We do know that Rouge was able to delay birth for 2 years using whatever ingenious method.
She probably had the Pregnant Pregnant Fruit (lol)
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