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Old 2009-07-14, 20:10   Link #147
Homo Ludens
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Canada
Age: 34
Originally Posted by panzerfan View Post
Well, my conjecture is that Sasaki will have to have this line of thinking regarding Haruhi, since Kaiso's view regarding would be that of Haruhi's perspective. The foil will come in when the concept of "filling in the shoes of someone so great as Haruhi when her era is over" comes into conflict of "the great era of Haruhi is far from over, if ever".

From Haruhi's point of view, looking at that possibility where Haruhi is not at the helm isn't worthwhile, but the foil would be that it must be considered. The issue isn't to debate the value in what Haruhi does anymore, but of who really stops the buck if Haruhi will not be able to metaphorically accept them anymore?
Why? If Haruhi can't consider it, it probably won't happen.

And besides. Sasaki hasn't really shown any kind of behavior that suggests she cares about much of anything at all, least of all what would happen if Haruhi died.

As of Vol. 9, as I recall, she still doesn't even believe that aliens et al. even exist.

Originally Posted by TakariCritic View Post
Also, I disagree that Sasaki has romantic feelings for Kyon, and that Kyon has romantic intentions for Haruhi.
Kyon's feelings for Haruhi are... pretty obvious even if Kyon won't admit it.

Sasaki's feelings for Kyon... we don't know.

Kyon's feelings for Sasaki... I suspect a failed crush he'll never admit, either. But that's just me.
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