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Old 2009-07-24, 07:14   Link #425
Join Date: Mar 2008
Originally Posted by Jan-Poo View Post
The theory of the killer being one of the six people in the shed is pretty popular, but not many people have thoroughly though about this.

The shed was closed with an external lock, not only that. It was then closed again with another lock. And the only key to that new lock was taken by Natsuhi.

So if one of the six was the culprit you must explain how he managed to close the shed and how he managed to get out.

An easy explanation is that there is a secret passage in the shed.

If not, you need to think that there is an accomplice, who closed the culprit inside and then opened the door for him. However opening the door was no easy task. Unless the accomplice is Natsuhi herself. If she isn't then the culprit must have used a tool to cut the lock.
All parts of the reason why I shied away from that idea pretty early on. I was leaning towards the body double notion, not that the actual killer was there pretending to be a corpse.

More than anything though it just seems to me that if you murder a bunch of people, drag them into a shed, proceed to mutilate the bodies to the point of being unrecognizeable, and *then* close the door in on yourself, lie down, and pretend to be dead too you've got to be so far up on the crazy train that there's no way you won't constantly be going "Toot toot!".
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