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Old 2009-07-25, 02:23   Link #921
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: U.S.A.
Age: 36
^Indeed, and that's all well and good. You certainly can't deny that Shirley's death certainly set off a series of events, but that's the whole point of any story is that different plot points initiate and lead to different series of events. Any one of those incidents you mentioned could've changed ever so slightly and we would've been left with totally different results.

But more to the point, I'm not talking about what events happened as a result of Shirley's death, I'm talking about how it affected Lelouch (and other characters) on a personal level. Thus far you've offered the idea that the biggest impact of it was that it caused Lelouch to hate the geass and see it as a curse and sin, and I, quite frankly, don't really see that all that much outside of the massacre.
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